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You Are Not The Father!

Ana King

Doesn't Need Maury on This One

5/30/2015 12:40 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Superstar Ana King couldn't care less about the recent rumors that her father, Joe "The Wolf" Warrior impregnated a woman and then paid her to keep it quiet. In fact, she had a few disdainful words for not only the woman herself, but TMZ. 

TMZ caught King on her way from Paris to catch a flight to London where she's currently filming Beauty And the Beast, and asked her what she thought of recent claims from Candy Parker that Joe Schratter impregnated her in the early 90s, gave her money to shut her up, and then never spoke to again. Ana had little to say but her tone spoke volumes:

"I'm not worried about who says they did or didn't sleep with my father. We're not out here looking at DNA tests. This isn't Maury. My father loves children, he'd be ecstatic for another child. But God bless her, and I hope she's getting the help she needs."

That wasn't all, though. Right before King disappeared into a crowded terminal, she told us, "And shouldn't you guys be kind of embarrassed? We all know this is tabloid nonsense. Aren't you supposed to be a legitimate publication? This looks really bad on you."

Whew! Well, thanks for looking out for us, Ana, but we have a feeling we'll be okay.

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